OBJECTIVES: To examine what experienced acupuncture practitioners and researchers considered key aspects of treatment to promote cephalic version for women with a breech presentation, and to establish a treatment protocol through consensus to guide the self administration of moxa by pregnant women.
METHODS AND DESIGN: The Delphi method was used to seek the opinions of key informants. Sixteen English speaking international, Australian and New Zealand acupuncturists working in the area of pregnancy were invited to participate in the study. Participants were given a link to an online survey, and their views sought on treatment parameters guiding the treatment of breech presentation within a research setting.
RESULTS: Two rounds of the Delphi process were undertaken, 12 participants completed round one, and 10 completed round two. Eighty percent of participants agreed that moxa should commence between 34 and 35 weeks gestation. Ninety percent agreed to self administration of moxa by the woman, and use of smokeless and odourless sticks. Seventy percent agreed moxa should be applied for a minimum of 10 days, and be applied once a day for 30min. Monitoring safety was identified as an important outcome. Ninety percent agreed study clinical outcomes should assess side effects including burns, and maternal and foetal outcomes.
CONCLUSION: Findings from our study promote the clinical validity for a future research protocol, and highlight other areas for research to evaluate the role of acupuncture and moxibustion with normalising birth. Copyright 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
To examine what experienced acupuncture practitioners and researchers considered key aspects of treatment to promote cephalic version for women with a breech presentation, and to establish a treatment protocol through consensus to guide the self administration of moxa by pregnant women.
ContributorsSmith, C. A. Betts, D.
Disease Category: Pregnancy & childbirth
Disease Name: Breech presentation
Age Range: Unknown
Sex: Female
Nature of Intervention: Complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) therapy
- Clinical experts
- COS for clinical trials or clinical research
- COS for practice
- Delphi process
- Literature review
Authors identified components of treatment from textbooks, journal articles and clinical discussion to guide the treatment of breech presentation, which were used in the development of items for inclusion in the initial Delphi round, which aimed to seek the opinions of key informants. (1) Participants were asked their opinion in response to a series of statements. (2) Participants were asked to state their opinion to a series of statements relating to the research design, treatment and administration of a treatment protocol. (3) A series of statements relating to the treatment protocol were presented to the participants, 70% agreement was sought to achieve a consensus.