
This collection of Podcasts highlights the importance of the development and use of COS to people from a range of different backgrounds.

New standards in dysphagia research: Core outcome sets with Sarah Gorst and Nicola Harman

Julia Hirschwald and Jule Hofacker (Speech and language therapists). dysphagia matters podcast, July 2022.

"Doing a COS-based PhD has been a huge benefit to all aspects of my career, both in clinical practice and in research."

Rebecca Fish (Consultant Colorectal & Peritoneal Surgeon and Honorary Clinical Lecturer, University of Manchester). October 2020.


"Whenever one is thinking about what the outcome measure is you should use, you could turn to COMET and look."

Matt Sydes (Professor of Clinical Trials & Methodology, UCL). eCancer.org podcast, February 2020.

"Participation [of a patient organisation in COS development] brings the patient voice to the decision making table."

Mandy Daly (Director of Advocacy and Policy Making, Irish Neonatal Health Alliance, Ireland). January 2020.

COMET Webinars for Patient Organisations – "No Choice of Outcomes About us Without us!"

International PPI Network. February 2020.

Heather Bagley (COMET Patient and Public Involvement Co-ordinator). July 2019.

SBU endorses the usage of robustly developed COS in clinical trials and in systematic reviews

Sophie Werkö (Project Manager, SBU - Swedish Agency for Health Technology Assessment and Assessment of Social Services), and Marie Österberg (Project Manager, SBU - Swedish Agency for Health Technology Assessment and Assessment of Social Services). May 2019.

"This whole idea of COS is taking on a new role, a new importance…"

Hans-Georg Eichler (Senior Medial Officer, European Medicines Agency). October 2018.

"I believe that the development and use of core outcome sets is one of the most important advances to date in evidence-based medicine and surgery."

Hywel Williams (Director of the NIHR Health Technology Assessment Programme, Professor of Dermato-Epidemiology and Co-Director of the Centre of Evidence-Based Dermatology). April 2018.